Back Roads to Meeker
Tom Theobald remembers a road trip. Tom and Laura chat about the Meeker Classic and Australian Shepherds.
“We had picked up a bridge spike somewhere and were sinking ever so slowly as air bled from the right rear tire. Not wanting to change the tire unless I absolutely had to, I elected to try for Buford, thirty miles away. Sheep are being moved out of the high country now, and as luck would have it, we came upon a band of about 300 moving down the road. We crept through slowly as they parted like a school of wooly fish, hoping the air in the tire would outlast the sheep.”
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loved this one- brought tears as i listened to Tom recount his time on this Journey to Meeker and reveal his kind heart on so many levels I have never owned one, or worked with one, but I am always mesmerized watching the dogs work the sheep. Suzanne
Same! 💚