First Stirrings of Spring

Tom Theobald outlines the basics of spring survival for honeybees. Tom and Laura chat about dandelions, and about “what beekeeping does to you.”
“As I go out to do the chores at dawn, the frozen grass shatters underfoot like shards of glass. These spring storms are brief, though, and soon the sun returns. And well it does, for some of the greatest challenges and finest pleasures in beekeeping lie just ahead.”
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Tom, Laura, Andy
so glad you are doing this
everyone of these makes me smile, cry and appreciate you, Tom, that much more. Your perspective, love and appreciation of nature and your wisdom is balm to my spirit that feels wounded by how we walk this earth and our disregard for the balances that have been in play for eons. As Laura said in one episode, your writing is poetic and evocative . I finally got caught up and I can now look forward to listening each week to the next pearl.
Hugs and thank you for this beautiful feedback, Suzanne!